Christmas With HomeSense

Christmas dinner is one if not the most important part of the day, I personally think. There is nothing better than tucking into a big plate full of delicious Yorkshire puddings, roast potatoes, stuffing and mint sauce.

Alongside Christmas dinner, the table decorations is also a favourite of mine. Crackers, party hats, terrible jokes, pretty cutlery and china, etc. It all adds to the Christmas magic. 

This year it will only be my dad and I having Christmas dinner together compared to the usual 10+ family members in the previous years. My dad has the bu-humbug attitude for Christmas so it is my aim to put him in the Christmas spirit as much as possible. This involves forcing him to decorate his house with as many Christmas decorations as possible whilst I take charge of the table decorations. 

To create the perfect decorated table for a small Christmas, I have teamed up with HomeSense. (HomeSense is a chain of stores which sell all different home furnishings and accessories, it's the type of shop you can lose a few hours out of your day in as there is so much to look at.) I wanted a simplistic approach for my Christmas table, minimal colours that are a breath of fresh air. I toyed with many colours alongside white until I came across the gold candle, from then I instantly knew gold and white was the perfect simplistic colours I was looking for. And slowly my table came together.

Gold plate domes - £7.99 each - I plan to make Christmas cookies (HomeSense sell cookie cutters, bonus!) and putting them in the domes. After Christmas these will fit perfectly in my room once it's redecorated. 

Gold candle - £5.99 - The perfect centre piece plus a perfect candle for my room after Christmas on top of a mirror candle plate from HomeSense.

Cups & straws - both range between £2 - £4 - Neither my dad and I drink alcohol so these are the perfect extras to have our soft drinks in (the rest in the packs will be used for New Years).

Crackers - £3.99 - No Christmas table is complete without crackers. Between the two of us, we will be wearing lots of Christmas hats and laughing at all the silly jokes inside. 

How is your table normally decorated for Christmas dinner?



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