The benefits of Coconut Oil.

The hair benefits of Coconut Oil!
I think we've all got to the point where we've wanted to save money but still wanted the best beauty products that would create perfect results. Now days, this seems to be difficult, especially as VAT/Prices have all gone up and we're stuck in a recession. (Boo!)
So for the last few months, I have tried to find a solution. A product that would work out cheap, but create many different beauty treatments in one go.
After crazy amounts of Google research, I realised that Coconut has always been boasted about. This is when I came across Coconut Oil. Coconut Oil is healthy for both inside and outside your body. 

I thought id give Coconut Oil a try, so I bought a 200ml bottle of Coconut Oil off Ebay. 
Within a few days, it arrived so I thought I would give it a go straight away, so far I have kept this as a hair care routine. 

Hair Care
There's unique fatty acids within Coconut Oil. It has a small molecular structure so it passes freely into the hair's cell membrane, allowing for the oil to penetrate the hair's shaft; this allows it to bring out the deep conditioning from within as opposed to other conditioners that work from the outside in.

For a deep condition, massage your hair with Coconut Oil once a week, leave it in for 2/3 hours then wash out with shampoo. When you get to the conditioner part, simply dab on conditioner at the ends of your hair and wash off two minutes later. Dry like normal (don't forget your heat spray!) Then wollah, soft, shiny and deep conditioned hair!

As I previously mentioned Coconut Oil is a good health factor for both inside and outside your body.
Here's a list of the goodness for inside;
• Protects against cancer and HIV and other infectious diseases
• Kills bacteria and parasites like tape worm and liver flukes
• Eases acid reflux, aids in proper bowel function
• Heals and relieves intestinal problems
• Soothes earaches
• Strengthens the liver and protects against degeneration
• Reduces incidence of epileptic seizures
• Reduces joint and muscle inflammation

I plan to add Coconut Oil into more of my beauty regimes, and after trailing it for a month  or so, I will write up my review. I've read that Coconut Oil is rich in anti-oxidants and bursting with natural microbial and antibacterial agents. It's ability to smooth the skin while infusing with anti-oxidants makes it the perfect anti-aging moisturizer. (My Nanna always told me to start using Anti-Aging Moisturizer from around 18 yrs old, with an SPF factor in for skin to stay young and beautiful, so Coconut Oil seems perfect.)

Have you got any self made beauty regimes you use?




  1. You look like Amanda Seyfierd on your blog header :D Thanks for following :)

    1. Awe, thank you! That's the best compliment I've received, she's one of my favorite actresses! :)
      And thank you for following me! :) x

  2. I've never used coconut oil but it sounds so beneficial!

    1. It is. I never realised this until a while ago. I've now become an avid coconut oil user haha. X

  3. coconut oil is my utmost favourite oil EVER!
    its one of the few oils that keeps its goodness regardless of extraction processes.

    absolute god send! and an all round winner
    i love it and need a new one :)

    loving your blog!
    newest follower
    BreezeyBee Blog


    1. Ah, it is. I wish I knew about Coconut Oil years ago. It's done wonders for my hair, especially seeing as I have it highlighted every 6 weeks. I love love love it! :)

      Thank you, just checked your blog out. And read all the way back to 2011. I'm hooked! :)

  4. Hmm Im intrigued! I never knew it was so good for you, I may have to do some more research! Thanks for posting this :)

    1. Same, this has to be one product that I loved researching just because there's so much goodness in Coconut Oil. I definitely recommend it to everyone! :)

  5. I love coconut oil! I use it as a body moisturizer and it works great especially during the winter months. Thanks for sharing!

    1. It is. Definitely one of my all time favorites now! :) x


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